Emergency Response

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Where there is an emergency and an evacuation is required, you will hear an alarm or receive instructions to evacuate the area.

Follow these steps:

• Stop what you are doing and turn off any machinery (if it is safe to do so).
• Leave the area by the shortest, most practicable route (closing any fire doors along the way).
• Assist any injured people without placing yourself in danger.
• Assemble at the nominated area, or as directed by the Emergency warden / Supervisor.
• Remain in the emergency assembly point until you are told it is safe to leave or return to work.
• Do not re-enter the workplace until all clear is given by the Emergency warden. and
• Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all personnel are present and identifying those who may be absent.

Emergency and evacuation procedures and plans are located adjacent to emergency exits for quick reference in an emergency.