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An ‘incident’ is any event that results or could have possibly resulted in injury, illness, disease or damage to property, plant and equipment or the environment, this includes near misses.
If you are involved in or witnessed a workplace incident, you must report it to your Supervisor immediately, no matter how minor. Unless instructed by your Supervisor, do not alter the site where the incident occurred, other than to prevent further injury or harm occurring.
Where an incident is reported, your Supervisor will investigate the incident and where applicable, determine the reasons how and why the incident happened. Your Supervisor shall implement (where required) control measures to prevent it from happing again. You may be asked to be involved in the investigation and complete an incident report.
Incident reporting helps to identify hazards in the workplace. Something which causes a minor injury, or a near miss, could cause serious harm if left unaddressed.
By reporting to your Supervisor, you are helping to look after your own safety and the safety of those around you. Reporting also covers you in case you need medical attention, and it ensures you meet the claim requirements of workers compensation.
You must not leave the site due to illness or injury, whether personal or work related, without notifying your Supervisor first.