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Workers within their area of control are expected to exercise proper care and use of Company property and equipment in the course of employment. We require all workers to report any damage to property and equipment to their Supervisor immediately, whether you have caused it yourself or not.

Workers within their area of control shall ensure all confidential / sensitive documents are locked away at night. You should make sure that your personal belongings and valuables are locked away and secured. Personal property is not covered by Company insurance.

The removal of Company products, materials, or equipment from the premises without authorisation will not be tolerated and may lead to instant dismissal. Permission for the removal of Company products, materials or equipment can only be given by Management and must be in writing.
Our management reserves the right to inspect any vehicle, bag, or container at its discretion upon a worker entering or exiting the company property.

Keys / Security Passes

It is the responsibility of every worker to ensure that keys / security passes issued to workers are kept in safe custody. Keys / security passes must be returned upon request from management. If building access devices are lost or misplaced, you must notify your Supervisor immediately so that they can be cancelled.

Entering Premises Out of Hours

There will be no entry into our premises outside of normal business hours unless prior permission has been obtained from Management.

Recycling Bins

Please recycle where you can using the appropriate bins. Only paper and cardboard with NO company, client or candidate information is to be placed into these bins. NO general rubbish is to be placed in these bins.

Waste Bins

Most individuals will have waste bins under their desk. These bins should be used for any items which are not recyclable e.g. plastics, metal, pens, food scraps, etc. Please use your discretion and be mindful of disposing food scraps in the office. Liquids should not be poured / placed into bins.

Questions or Concerns

Your Supervisor is responsible for you when you are on site and any problem or change affecting your employment should be referred to them. If your Supervisor is unable to resolve your problem, they may direct you to an appropriate person or obtain the information and get back to you with an answer.