Use of mobile and static plant, tools and equipment

A Risk Assessment shall be undertaken prior to commencement of the task

Training Needs
• Task Specific
• Be assessed as competent to operate High Risk Plant

Potential Hazards
• Vibration • Noise • Fumes
• Manual Handling

Pre-Operational Safety Checks
• Machinery pre-start check and servicing.

Operational Safety Checks
• As required.

• Check traffic and pedestrian signs and barricades are in place.
• Use two people or a crane to lift plant in and out of vehicles.
• Check trailers are correctly hitched to tow vehicle.

• Remove any objects that could be a trip hazard or damage the plant.
• Keep electrical cords out of wet areas.
• Check that there is adequate ventilation.
• Allow plant to cool before refuelling.

• Check plant is clean and in good condition before storing.

Monitor & Review Process
• Always check the task is being done as nominated in this SOP and the Risk Assessment.

If task cannot be done as documented, stop the task, review the Risk Assessment, write the changes on the back of the Risk Assessment Form and get the Team Leader or Supervisor to sign and approve the change before restarting the task.

View the video below:

Complete the form click the link below:

Form – F27. Verification of Competency VOC
Form – F40. Machinery Pre-Start Checklist.

Write a SWMS:

Form – F33. SWMS for a High-Risk Construction Task

To view a typical Hazard analysis click the link below:

Hazard – Use of Plant
Hazard – Plant Attachments