For your inspections and monitoring activities to be effective you will need a thorough knowledge of worksite procedures. These will include all relevant workplace operating procedures, work instructions and temporary instructions.
All of these requirements are in place to ensure your worksite complies with the designated regulations and legislation.
It is important to make sure that the codes and standards you refer to are the most current versions as approved by state and federal government.
Complete the form:
Form – F67. Asbestos / Demolition End of Day Checklist
Purpose of Inspection
A work site inspection is required to identify the hazards associated with individual demolition hot work tasks and to identify how those tasks can be managed.
Complete the form:
View the video given below:
Monitor Conditions of Work
• As the supervisor, it is your responsibility to conduct regular monitoring of tasks and activities to ensure that any changes in conditions are identified and responded to quickly.
• For your inspections and monitoring activities to be effective you will need a thorough knowledge of worksite procedures. These will include all relevant workplace operating procedures, work instructions and temporary instructions.
• All of these requirements are in place to ensure your worksite complies with the designated regulations and legislation.
• It is important to make sure that the codes and standards you refer to are the most current versions as approved by state and federal government.
• All changes must be responded to in accordance with the procedures for your site and the permit conditions.
• You must ensure the work permit remains current and valid. Changes to work conditions (such as the identification of new hazards) or a failure to follow permit conditions may mean that the permit becomes invalid and will have to be revoked before the work has been completed.
Write a Permit to work:
Form – F37. Permit to Work
Consider Safe Operating Procedures refer to Appendices at the back of the Learner guide.
You should check that:
• Problems are being anticipated and efficiently resolved.
• Changing conditions and circumstances are being responded to appropriately and effectively.
The performance of monitoring and testing equipment is checked against a standard sample. If work stops for a certain period of time (e.g. over an hour) the workspace will need to be tested again. In inspecting the work area you may also be supervising workers and monitoring their activities for compliance with site procedures.
View the video given below:
Changes in Work Environment
During the day there are many events that may alter the safe outcomes of the day including:
• Weather conditions change.
• Timeframes have expired.
• Permit conditions change.
• There is a change of workers.
• Non-compliance has occurred.
• Equipment is recalibrated.
• Adverse test results are recorded.
The outcomes of any inspections shall be conveyed to workers by discussion or toolbox talks as appropriate according to the requirements of this workplace and or your WH&S Management Plan.
Changes in the workplace must be discussed with workers, this is called consultation.
View the video given below:
SWMS to be reviewed
All subcontractors in consultation with principal contractor are to prepare Safe Work Method Statements in compliance with WH&S Legislation & principal contractor’s Safety Management Plan prior to starting work at the workplace. If at any time a change in workplace conditions arise a review of that SWMS shall be considered by the supervisor.
This Safe Work Method Statement shall contain how you intend to carry out the work and what safety systems you are going to adopt to achieve the required level of safety. Any changes shall be recorded on the SWMS. Any changes shall be communicated to all workers.
A copy of the subcontractor’s and principal contractor safety plans are to be kept on site and made available for perusal by all workers at any reasonable time.
All subcontractors shall submit their Safe Work Method Statements to principal contractor prior to commencing work on site. They shall be attached to the Safety Management Plan and kept at the workplace at all times.
Use SWMS Checklist to review: